It’s an interesting way to give the player the option to make the game easier or harder. Of course it won’t be long till you find a new checkpoint and may need to reinvest again. New power-ups are unlocked every time you need to restart at that specific checkpoint. The best part is, if you die again and return to these checkpoints, you don’t have to reinvest the points again, the effects are permanent. Power-ups include refiling your health and stamina bars or unlocking a temporary item like a little robot that follows you about firing laser beams. You will hit checkpoints regularly throughout the levels, these also act as hubs where you can exchange yellow points for power-ups to assist you, should you find the game a little too tough. There’s an interesting approach to difficulty in this game. Of course the game has a Cyber-Dragon boss A Helping Hand The only crime is this soundtrack is not available for me to purchase on Steam yet. An additive and memorable chiptune soundtrack that carried me through the levels even if I did keep dying over and over again. The stand-out feature of my experience playing was easily the soundtrack. So if you do need to stop, the game is saved up to the last checkpoint so finishing the level is unnecessary if real life duty calls. The levels are surprisingly long, fortunately checkpoints are frequent. It’s fun running around the levels destroying enemies in only a few hits and avoiding various hazards by jumping at the right time. Making use of only two buttons and the D pad it’s easy to pick up and play the game, but, that’s not to say this will be an easy ride. For me it was highly enjoyable, revisiting the older levels with my character powered up and taking down enemies with significant more finesse than when I started was great.

There are 10 levels in total, you do actually end up revisiting the same levels again only the layout has changed, due to the actions you have taken as you progressed through the game. It’s all very over the top and absurd in all the right retro ways and I was totally on board with it. When you use these abilities it costs stamina, using them at the right moment can make various enemies and hazards much more bearable than pushing through the game with just the sword. These grant new abilities, like sprint or various sword techniques.
As you progress through the levels defeating challenging bosses and completing the odd ninja trial you will unlock various orbs. You start the game pretty underpowered but that won’t last long. Hacking is always better as a ninja Power Up Every now and then you’ll be surprised by some interesting gameplay features such as riding a vehicle and hacking computers in a rather unique ninja way. The game is mostly a mix of sword slashing and platforming. As Shadow, the cyber ninja, you will be jumping and slashing your way through futuristic levels taking down all sorts of cybernetic and mutant baddies. The plot of the game feels like it fits pretty well in the 8 bit era of gaming. But if you give Cyber-Shadow your valued gaming attention there is plenty to enjoy in this cyber ninja adventure.

On the surface this is a formula that has become very familiar in gaming over the years.

This is another game that shows its love for the good old retro days and adds modern gaming improvements.
Review code provided with many thanks to Yacht Club Games Ninjas and RobotsĬyber-Shadow is a 8 bit style platformer where you play as a cybernetic ninja on a quest to save your clan. System: Steam (also on Nintendo Switch, PS4, & Xbox)ĭeveloper|Publisher: Mechanical Head Studios | Yacht Club Games